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7 Lagu Punk Rock tentang Cinta yang Mesti Kamu Dengar

Fadli Adzani - Selasa, 13 Februari 2018 | 03:15
Fadli Adzani


HAI-ONLINE.COM - Lagu romantis itu hampir di setial aliran musik selalu ada. Sebut saja rock, jazz, blues, apalagi pop.

Nah, nggak terkecuali musik punk rock. Musik dengan alunan keras dan ketukan drum yang kencang itu juga memiliki lagu-lagu romantisnya, lho!

HAI ingin ngasih tau kamu 7 lagu punk rock tentang cinta yang keren banget, dari lirik maupun aransemennya.

HAI dapat informasi ini dari Alternative Press yang mencoba membuat daftar lagu punk rock tentang cinta.

Apa aja ke-7lagu itu?

1. The Descendants - Silly Girl

"My silly girl, I'm beggin you
Tell me all the things that I want to hear
My silly girl, I'm in love with you."

2. Misfits - Saturday Night

"And I can remember when I saw her last
We were running all around and having a blast
But the back seat of the drive-in
Is so lonely without you
I know when you're home
I was thinking about you."

3. Social Distortion - She's A Knockout

"Some friends were tellin' me, just the other day
They walk right up to her, they don't know what to say
And when she calls me (hear a ring on the telephone)
I'll be there waiting for her, sitting at home all alone
All alone."

4. MxPx - Do Your Feet Hurt?

Editor : Hai

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