Selfie memang word of the year 2013, tapi tahun ini selfie juga masih ngetren.
Terbukti memang. Dari event Oscar sampai Piala Dunia 2014 pun dibumbui dengan selfie.
Nah, berikut ada 21 selfie terkeren tahun 2014 nih yang HAI kutip dari Mashable. Apa aja? Cek di bawah ini ya.
1. The first Instagram from space
Sadly, there is no 'Space' filter.Image: @iss on Instagram2. Ellen Degeneres and the star-studded Oscar selfie
If only Bradley's arm was longer. Best photo ever.
— Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) March 3, 2014
- Too much celebrity.
3. The 3-year selfie around the world
Now that's some commitment.
Video: YouTube, Alex Chacon
4. The Hong Kong skyscraper selfie
Just chilling with my bananas and my friends.
Video: YouTube, Frank Wu
5. The volcano selfie
Volcano #selfie. When normal selfies are not extreme enough!
NSFL.— George Kourounis (@georgekourounis) August 28, 2014