HAI-ONLINE.COM - Bikin CV harus gimana sih? Mesti warna-warni, "dibagusin", pake foto? Apa aja isinya? Well, mungkin bisa contek CV Athiya Deviyani nih, cewek Indonesia yang kerja di Apple.
CV Athiya Deviyani bisa dibilang "bersih", bahkan tanpa foto. Namun isinya semuanya yang memang cocok untuk pekerjaan yang dilamar.
Urutannya pun bisa diperhatikan juga. Karena recruiter pasti membaca dari atas lalu ke bawah, pastikan bagian atas diawali dengan hal terpenting dahulu.
ATHIYA DEVIYANI (Nama lengkap)adeviyant@cs.cmu.edu | linkedin.com/in/athiyadeviyani | github.com/athiyadeviyani | devpost.com/athiyadeviyani (Kontak/portofolio)OBJECTIVE (Tujuan melamar)I am a graduate student looking for opportunities in quantitative analysis, machine learning research and data science with a background in software engineering and mathematics.EDUCATION (Pendidikan, kasih tau juga hal positif lo selama sekolah. Nggak usah sampai SD tapi ya...)Carnegie Mellon University | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States MS Artificial Intelligence and Innovation (August 2021 - May 2023)Current GPA: 4.00 [transcript] Supervised by Dr. Michael Shamos under the Language Technologies Institute (LTT)The University of Edinburgh | Edinburgh, United KingdomBSc (Hons) Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science (September 2017 - June 2021) Result: First Class (1:1) Honours (82/100) [transcript]Academic Award: 2021 Class Prize for Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science (highest overall GPA)- Honours Project: Assessing Dataset Bias in Computer Vision [pdf] (received a mark of 85%; classified as outstanding)EXPERIENCE (Pengalaman kerja)Carnegie Mellon University | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States Graduate Research Assistant (December 2021 - present)Conducted research under Dr. Alan W. Black on counting algorithms in low-resource languages for language synthesisEvaluated and improved the graduate course 11-637 Foundations of Computational Data Science under Dr. Eric Nyberg Carnegie Mellon University | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United StatesGraduate Teaching Assistant (August 2021-present)Provided guidance and tutoring in office hours, designed and marked assignments for the following graduate courses: 11-631 Data Science Seminar under Dr. Erie Nyberg und 11-737 Multilingual Natural Language Processing under Dr. Graham NeubigGoldman Sachs | London, United Kingdom ingdom Summer Analyst (June 2021-August 2 (2021)Worked on a data processing pipeline for capital reporting and analysis under the finance engineering teamThe University of Edinburgh | Edinburgh, United Kingdom Teaching Assistant (September 2020-May 2021)Tutor, marker and lab demonstrator for the following courses; Introductory Applied Machine Learning (INFR11005,INFR11205), Software Testing (INFR10057), Foundations of Data Science (INFR08030), and Cognitive Science (INFR08020)The University of Edinburgh | Edinburgh, United KingdomResearch Assistant (June 2020-May 2021) Worked with the Social Media Analysis and Support for Humanity (SMASH) research group on an NLP projectThe project aims to expand psycholinguistic lexicons for improved coverage of online slang in social media dataGoogle | London, United KingdomSoftware Engineering Intern (June 2020-September 2020)Worked on a project within the Geo team specializing on Timeline for Google MapsThe project involves implementing an algorithm that selects a user's interesting visits within a selected time frameGoogle Zurich, SwitzerlandSummer Trainee Engineering Practicum (STEP) Intern (July 2019-September 2019)Worked on an end-to-end project within the YouTube Creator Commerce team specializing on Growth and User Engagement to create a Channel Shop Tab for creators- Project link: https://www.youtube.com/user/joshuastice/storeAWARDS, VOLUNTEERING & SKILLS (Penghargaan dan hal lain, tentunya yang sesuai dengan lowongan yang dilamar)Hackathon awards: BigRedHacks 2021 (Comell), HackCambridge 2019, OxfordHack 2018 (see DevPost for details) Volunteering: CodeFirstGirls (Instructor), GenerationGirl (Data Science Instructor). Bangkit Academy (ML Instructor) Technical skills: Python (Tensorflow, PyTorch, SKLearn, BERT), Java, Haskell, SQL, JavaScript, C++, C, Isabelle, MATLAB